Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang
- Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang
Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang is the 19th Generation Lineage Holder of Chen Family Taijiquan and is one of the few holders of the highest rank of 9th Duan Wei conferred by the Chinese Wushu Association, not only for his own high level of achievements in Tai Chi, but also for the impact of his substantial worldwide contributions in introducing, promoting, and developing Chen Style Taijiquan.
- Taijiquan und Qigong Journal
The magazine for all Taijiquan and Qigong practitioners is published quarterly.
- China From Inside
Jarek's Chinese Martial Arts Homepage - This site, published by a long-time MA practitioner living in China, includes rare information about Chinese Internal Martial Arts (Neijia) that has been collected over many years of travels to remote places in rural China, visiting and interviewing masters of martial arts who cultivate pure tradition of their arts. Interviews, classics, new releases of book and videos, information about competitions/seminars/meetings to held in Mainland China.
- Kolibri Seminars
Weekend & holiday courses and training in Qigong, Taijiquan and TCM
- Deutscher Dachverband für Qigong und Taijiquan
the official umbrella organization in Germany for training guidelines and quality assurance
- Bundesvereinigung für Taijiquan und Qigong
Professional association for self-employed Taijiquan and Qigong teachers in Germany
- WELAXX your Life
The novel movement and relaxation concept has its origins in classic Chinese health exercises. These exercises were adapted to today's requirements for coping with stress, in private, but also in professional life. Through the WELAXX exercises, each participant actively works on their balance in life. The individual exercises are short and can be carried out on a very small area. This enables everyone to find relaxation at any time, anywhere and with very little expenditure of time, in order to be fit again for the next challenges immediately afterwards.
- Tai Chi Caledonia
Taijiquan in Scotland
- Shu Jian - Chen Taijiquan in Wien
- Austrian-Chinese Wushu Association
- Shenwu Martial Arts & Fitness
Association for Chen-style Taijiquan in Vienna
- Magazin für Chinesische Kampfkunst
- Taiji Forum
the portal for Taijiquan and Qigong
- Ta Mo Kwoon
Associated Shaolin Kung Fu School in Nuremberg
- Tai Chi Shop
Online shop with a wide range of different products for Tai Chi and Qigong
- WCTAG hilft e.V.
"WCTAG hilft" is a non-profit and charitable aid organization based in Hamburg. As a registered association, we have been supporting selected children's aid projects in Sri Lanka, Brazil and Germany since December 2009. The association works internationally, politically independent and non-denominational.
- WCTAG Shop
Here you will find many interesting and high quality Taijiquan (Tai Chi / Taichi) products, such as online seminars, books, DVDs, CDs, clothing and products from Grand Master Chen Xiaowang and Master Jan Silberstorff.
- WCTAG bei Facebook
- Island of the Children
Facebook page of the "WCTAG hilft" project "Island of the Children"
- WCTAG bei Vimeo
- WCTAG bei Youtube
- Jan Silberstorff bei Facebook
- Jan Silberstorff bei Youtube
- Jan Silberstorff privat bei Facebook
- Jan Silberstorff privat bei Instagram
- Team Taiji Germany (2016-2021)
The aim and purpose of the tournament team was to give interested Taiji practitioners professional access to the sporting side of Taijiquan and to perform internationally together.
- Deutschland-Entspannt
Relax together and still help! A campaign by WCTAG together with the "Taiji Zentrum Nord"
- Chenstyle Instructor Frank Marquardt
Camps, seminars, park training, private lessons
- Dan Gong
Institute for Chinese Medicine and Movement Art, Gerhard Milbrat, Lüdinghausen NRW
- Taiji Zentrum Nord
over 10 locations in the north with WCTAG-Trainer Kai Schlupkothen
- Instructor Harald Bundschuh
Taiji, Qigong and meditation
- Taijiquan and the Sea
Two trainers, one goal: Your movement! Online and on site with instructor Vera-Dorothea Neumann and course trainer Kai Flagge
- Teacher Sasa Krauter
Taiji, Yoga and meditation