Grand Master Chen Xiaowang

Cohort 1946, born in Chenjiagou, PR China. Chen Xiaowang is the main official representative and heir of the Chen Taijiquan tradition in the world. He is the 19th generation of the patriarchs and the chief ancestor of the Chen family, like the leading masters of history before him, especially Chen Wangting, Chen Changxing and Chen Fake. Also as one of the world's leading masters of calligraphy, the Grand Master is officially recognized as “State Treasure of the PR China” among many other awards. He regularly gives seminars worldwide, including in Germany. Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang is already a living legend. His concern is not only the global spread of Taijiquan, but the preservation of the authentic apprenticeship. The WCTA founded by him with the help of Jan Silberstorff is the largest Taijiquan association in the world.
Master Jan Silberstorff

Jan Silberstorff, born in 1967, already as a child was interested in the Eastern martial arts. At the age of 18, he began to devote his life to Taijiquan, as he sensed that this would lead to his calling. In 1989 he passed the state Taiji trainer exam of the PR China, where he lived for several years. He was one of the first foreigners to learn in the place of origin of Taijiquan, Chenjiagou, and in 1993 he became the first western master student of the traditional holder of classical Taijiquan, Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang, and thus also the first foreign lineage holder in the 20th generation. He is fluent in Chinese and has published numerous books and articles as well as DVDs and television documentaries on the subject. After more than 25 consecutive tournaments around the world, together with Grandmaster Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang he founded the largest Taijiquan association in the world, the WCTA (World Chen Xiaowang Taijiquan Association), in 1994 and took over the management of the German association (WCTAG), which is now the largest of its kind in the West. Awarded several times by the Chinese government (including the highest Duan-level within the WCTA), he was the first non-Asian to be invited to the official Masters event of the State of Singapore in 1998. He teaches in over 15 countries worldwide and together with his students founded over 400 currently active Taijiquan groups and schools with over 500 annual courses in over 160 locations in Germany alone. He founded the leading Taiji associations in Brazil (WCTA-Br, 2006) and in Chile (WCTA-Chile, 2010). He founded other Taiji associations in Mexico in 2009 and in Cuba in 2014. In 2009 he founded the aid organization WCTAG-hilft e.V., as well as the 'Island of the children‘, which supports over 220 children in need in Sri Lanka and Brazil, and in 2013 the 'Institute of Daodejing Studies (IDS). The institute is a joint project to research and convey the Daodejing and was created through the collaboration of Huizhang Ren Farong, the Louguantai Temple, the Chinese Science Academy Xian, and its founder Jan Silberstorff. In 2015 he started an aid project for 180 refugee children in Germany and founded the Latin American umbrella organization WCTA-LA in 2017. Since 2016 he is a board member of the umbrella organization for Qigong and Taijiquan (DDQT). In the same year, together with Jan Leminsky, he founded the internationally successful Team Taiji Germany, an association and styleindependent tournament organization in order to develop the common spirit of all Taiji enthusiasts in addition to promoting youth and the sporting aspect. In 2020 he founded WeLaxx with Eric David, a health program for the broad masses of society. With his own focus on the practice, Jan Silberstorff spends most of the year in seclusion in a village in Bulgaria.
Instructor with 3rd Master Degree
Frank Marquardt |
Instructor with 2nd Master Degree
Gerhard Milbrat |
Instructor with 1st Master Degree
Ralf zum Felde | Kai Schlupkothen | Harald Bundschuh |
Thilo Papen | Michael Schaaf | Robert Waag |
Manuela Schönfeld | Vera-Dorothea Neumann |
Hermann Koffend | Ralf Anlauf | Jens Oliver Howe |
Andreas Schmidt |
Hadmut Mühlendyck | Sunpill Yang-Milbrat | Thorsten Tesch |
Sonja Waag | Sasa Krauter | Holger Samlowski |
Guido Stefanec | Frederik Wahl | Karin Buttenhofer |
Roger Berweiler | Alexander Cornelius | Wolfgang Lucas |
Michael Marx | Huu Minh Nguyen | Michael Rüsel |
Maren Scheible | Andreas Holthusen | Oliver Schubert |
Barbara Nowak-Kornwinkel | Dirk Rothaupt | Daniel Bielenstein |
Anne Coblenz | Almut Schmitz |
Course Trainer
Thomas Graßhoff-Steiner | Jochen Köhler | Jörg Schüler |
Frank Hagedorn | Miriam Zibell | Klaus Handke-Prompan |
Rainer Schönfeld | Astrid Kilian-Diekmann | Holger Neumeyer |
Ulrike Mitas | Ulrike Samlowski | Dr. Philipp Lichtenauer |
Michael Barth | Heike Michael-Murmann | Jens Kurbjuhn |
Carolin Melcher | Katja Oanh Bach | Jürgen Brammer |
Thomas Laub | Angelika Requardt | Kerstin Geiger |
Günter Oelgemöller | Marion Senger | Heike Wichmann |
Andreas Haberlach | Monika Lucas | Dr. Wolfgang Köppe |
Imke Krüger | Annette Rixen | Oliver Spott |
Katja Uhlisch | Helmut Fuchs | Notker Hilbrenner |
Olaf Quiring | Claus Wichmann | Sören Mark Aissen |
Günther Riedel | Tanja Köhnemann | Patrick Schlüsselburg |
Peter Geier | Christoph Thomann-Fuchs | Barbara Wolf |
Martin Erhardt | Anne Le Naour | Lutz Dickow |
Chris Franke | Norman Kobow | Thomas Kosiol |
Niclaas Thiele | Christiane Wedig | Heiko Baumann |
Claudia Candria | Torben Castillo Hannig | Carmen Kunst |
Beate Messick | Shirley Müller de Vries | Christina Thabe |
Christiane Drewling | Gerhard Maurer | Jürgen Seibold |
Johann Haupt | Norbert Höll | Sven Koschoreck |
Philipp Alexander | Jens Koch | Ben Xaver Oelmann |
Sebastian Garbas | Ina Heise | Klaus Pontius |
Raymond Thibeault | Jens Schmidt | Claudia Weber-Haberlach |
Dr. Klaus-Heinrich Dedring | Jens Haase | Sabine Jenß-Meier |
Hans-Georg Köhler | Marion Lowack | Barbara Wycisk |
Natascha Howaniétz | Alexander Popović | Simon Schnepf |
Katherine Fernández | Michael Brantl | Martin Frasch |
Sabine Freudenstein | Martin Goedecke | Steffen Neuburger |
Robert Tempel | Sabine Bramsiepe | Gabriele Goldbrunner |
Elena Grouchenko | Hans-Joachim Kühne | Dominic Schafflinger |
Eric David | Jens Mehm | Jan-Peter Donker |
Martina Rehfeldt | Kai Flagge | Tobias Junge |
Tilo Kramer | Alexander Krohn | Ludger Schulte-Lünzum |
Melanie Schiefelbein | Diana Rühle | Winfried Busch |
Eric Klaiber | Elisabeth Danzer | Sabine Schneider |
Sebastian Wolf | Nadine Hoppe | Christian Behla |
Rainer Bohnenstengel | Reinhard Bügel | Klaus Gerhardt |
Helmut Hagen | Anke Hauerstein | Heiderose Hezler |
Hans Karrer | Christina Klawitter | Lambert Klos |
Mahesha Kodikara | Richard Konzel | Susanne Krämer |
Martina Lawatsch | Jürgen Leischner | Michael Liese |
Thomas Rienth | Hans-Werner Rössing | Niklas Schmidt |
Sigrid Sommer | Ulf Stenzel | Joachim Stuhlmacher |
Sven Trepte |
Assistant Trainer
Engelhard Berwian | Matthias Hoicke | Julian Jones |
Angelika Beye | Holger Zönnchen | Myriam Sprockhoff |
Karsten Kramer | Roland Pokern | Lars Selka |
Kay Stegemann | Monika Someschan | Monique Martin |
Thomas Strehlow | Karin Prinz | Oliver Mertsch |
Dr. Bernhard Friedsam | Katrin Rohr | Clemens Ohlert |
Mary Kempen | Frank van der Herten | Alessandra Camara |
Andreas Janulik | Marcus Siewert | Daniel Kasper |
Gabriele Riemer | Sebastian Stammsen | Hans Joachim Euler |
Kathrin Sperlich | Ludger Booms | Johannes Steffen |
Michael S. Hans | Thomas Pfaff | Karen Pallokat |
Christoph Kunth | Angie Lin-Stegmaier | Leander Gailus |
Leonard Schmidt | Tobias Drehsen | Xi Jonas |
Heinz Ludas | Silvio Peters | Helena Schlichting |
Armin Reuter | Florian Welle | Bijan Boog |
Birgit Timmer | Ingrid Mutschlechner | Reiner Dziewior |
Jörg Meßbacher | Hartmut Schäfer | Maren Krone |
Daniel Menges | Klaus Hetzel | Gerd Zemella |
André Reckert | Stefanie Kardinal | Bettina Dongowsky |
Benjamin Finger | Simone Fleer | Olaf Kistenmacher |
Hermann Forster | Sven Ketelsen | Leonie Schlüter |
Stefan Moritz | Kester Mielke | Olaf Ahlers |
Ulrike Anders | Dirk Bollmann | Gertraude Huber |
Rudi Kassner | Dennis Schnieder | Klaus Hamatschek |
Thomas Adolph | Angelika Knoben | Judith Schrötter |
Aurica Schüller | Daniel Bolliger | Hilmar Bründler |
Michel Stadelmann | Daniel Stegmeyer | Christof Wetzel |
Anita Wetzel | Dennis Reis | Kaan Sanverdi |
Christine Anders | Sascha Baecker | Christian Benz |
Marika Bergmann | Jörg Bewig | Ralf Bürk |
Birgit De Bruyn | Sabine Dräger | Maxim Fadel |
Christian Feltes | Kai Dirk Hemmen | Alexandra Hoppe |
Cornelia Keller | Elmar Koch | Imme Krauskopf |
Benjamin Kunsmann | Anna Carina Lange | Angelika Maisch |
Sabine Margraf | Stephan Mross | Rosa Mathilde Parucha |
Monika Pirklbauer | Manuel Plate | Thomas Priewe |
Dragomir Rakinic | Axel Reissig | Sven Rosiers |
Günter Schack | Andreas Schäfer | Reinhard Schäfer |
Anja Schmidt | Patrick Seiffart | Birgit Sievert |
Erich Sparn | Heike Theilmeier | Thi-Thanh-Tam Tran |
Donald Vermeulen | Hans-Joachim Weber | Inge Wich |
Martin Wieland | Dennis Ziegert |