Our Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang has put together a video with special exercises to strengthen the lungs.
The complete series of movements and translation of the subtitles:
Terms that occur again and again are 开 kāi (open) and 合 hé (close).
1st Form: open at the front, closed at the back
Repeat 9 times (The movement has its origins in Chen Style Taijiquan, 撇身拳: piě shēn quán The Fist Follows the Turned-in Body, Laojia Yilu figure 16)
2nd Form: closed at the back, open at the front.
Repeat 9 time (The movement has its origins in Chen Style Taijiquan, 运 手: yùn shǒu, Circling Hands, Laojia Yilu figure 27, 19 Form figure 12)
3rd Form: open on the left, closed on the right
Repeat 9 time (The movement has its origins in Chen Style Taijiquan, 抱头推山: bào tóu tuī shān, Enclosing the Head between Arms and Push Mountain, Laojia Yilu figure 40)
4th Form: open on the right, closed on the left
Repeat 9 time (The movement has its origins in Chen Style Taijiquan, 抱头推山: bào tóu tuī shān, Enclosing the Head between Arms and Push Mountain, Laojia Yilu figure 40)
5th Form: open at the front, closed at the back
Repeat 6 times
(Repetition of form 1)
6th Form: closed at the back, open at the front
Repeat 6 times
(Repetition of form 2)