WCTAG hilft e.V.

  • WCTAG hilft e.V.

    "WCTAG hilft" is a non-profit and charitable aid organization based in Hamburg. As a registered association, we have been supporting selected children's aid projects in Sri Lanka, Brazil and Germany since December 2009. The association works internationally, politically independent and non-denominational.

  • Island of the Children

    In our project Island of the Children near Salvador in Brazil, we give children a perspective for a self-determined future. In Brazil today, millions of forgotten street children are living on the fringes of society. They have no opportunity to attend school regularly or to get a hot meal every day. Even as young children, they are often on their own and forced to be self-sufficient. In order to help these kids, the charity WCTAG hilft e.V. in cooperation with the Friedrich-Wilhelm and Brigitte Werner Foundation launched the project Island of the Children. The Island of the Children is an educational and recreational centre for street children in the impoverished northeast of the country. Since 2011 the project offers vulnerable children a safe home away from the dangers of the street. Here they get balanced meals daily and are lovingly cared for by teachers and psychologists. Our goal is to improve the lives of our students through integrated educational and recreational programs.