'The Good of Being Good' is an online lecture in which Jan Silberstorff presents how good it is to be good. This little play on words does not mean what we commonly understand by 'do-gooders', but refers to the ancient teachings of the Daodejing. The webinar describes why being good is the best, even the only way to live a life truly fulfilled in peace, to preserve the nature of our earth and to renew our soul. It starts with being good, which is different from being bad, and ends with being good, which knows no opposite.
We experience how this not only helps our fellow human beings and improves our karma in the process, but also simplifies our everyday life considerably. And how it makes us happy!
This is also a tremendous help for our Taiji, because without this being good in the sense of Laozi, no letting go is possible.
After a general introduction, a way is shown to be able to achieve and live this state without much effort. Life becomes much easier this way. And this training is fun. Because you can directly perceive the results. Not only in the reaction of others, but above all in oneself. Independence and freedom set in. A greater degree of love is achieved. The meaning of one's own life becomes clearer.
The lecture is in German and ends with an open question and answer session.
The webinar video recording will be made available to attendees for 14 days after the live event. Each participant agrees to the publication of the webinar as a video.
Fees (Members/ Non-Members):
- 25,00 € / 35,00 €
Booking prices are per person and not per computer.
- Friday 10-Nov-2023 18:00-21:00
More info and booking here in the WCTAG shop.