This September, Master Chen Ziqiang from Chenjiagou will come to Hamburg again after a long time.
On the programme are:
- the martial aspects of Taijiquan and optionally
- his fan form (first time in the history of WCTAG!) or
- our sword form in the variant after Chen Yuxia, the daughter of Chen Fake, who developed this form for her. As can be read in Jan Silberstorff's book about Chen Fake, he adapted the form to female needs.
Fan and sword form are offered in parallel, similar to the concept at the Family Camp.
For advance bookings, Master Chen Ziqiang can bring fans from Chenjiagou.
a) Detailed work on individual application techniques from the form, as well as competition pushhands for those interested
- Thursday, 07-Sep-23 17:00 - 20:00, Wohlerspark
- Friday, 08-Sep-23 17:00 - 20:00, Gym Wohlwillstr.
- Saturday, 09-Sep-23 18.00 - 21.00, Gym Wohlwillstr.
b) Fan shape or optional Chen Yuxia sword form
- Saturday, 09-Sep-23, 10:00 - 13:00, Gym Wohlwillstr.
- Saturday, 09-Sep-23, 14:00 - 17:00, Gym Wohlwillstr.
Prices (in brackets for non-members of WCTAG):
- the three pushhands blocks together (9h) 120,00€ (135,00€)
- the two fan/sword form blocks together (6h) 80,00€ (90,00€)
- a single block (3h) 45,00€ (50,00€)
Registration and further info:
WCTAG instructor Vera-D. Neumann on +49 1522 434 7982 or vera.d.taiji(at)