Webinar: Our Laojia Paochui according to Chen Changxing compared to the Paochui tradition according to Chen Wangting

The aim of this predominantly theoretical webinar is a comprehensive analysis of both forms based on the available sources, as well as a working out of the similarities, but also differences. The period covers around a millennium of Chinese martial arts history, with a special focus on the 17th - 21st centuries.

The course is specifically designed to complement the recent Paochui Practical Webinar, but is generally suitable for anyone practicing the form or anyone interested. It also fits perfectly as an extension of the 43 webinars for Laojia Yilu.

The video recording of the webinar will be made available to participants for at least 14 days after the live event.


  • 26 May 2023  18:00 - 20:00 (German Time)

Fee per person::

  • 20 € for members of WCTAG
  • 25 € for non-members

Registration :

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